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Director: Sara Brown
AIIC Interpreter


Asociación de Intérpretes de Conferencias de Argentina

American Translators Association

National Accreditation Authority
for Translators & Interpreters Ltd

de Buenos Aires

La universitat pública de Tarragona

Fundación Litterae

University of Westminster

University of

Blas Pascal

The Translation Workplace
Member of AIIC, ADICA, ATA.
Accredited Senior Conference Interpreter.

NAATI Accredited Spanish --> English Professional Translator


1993–ongoing: English<>Spanish Translator and Interpreter. Freelance.


2002–2004 English<>Spanish Translator and Interpreter, UK.
1998–2004 Specialized Medical Audio-typing, UK.
1999–2003 Visiting Lecturer in Interpreting,
(2002-2003) University of Westminster, UK.
1998–2004 Telephone Market Research in English and Spanish, UK.
1980–1991 Professional Staff, Bank of the Province of Río Negro, Argentina.
1979–1991 Secondary School Teacher and English Teacher, Argentina.
1973–1974 Professional Staff, National Animal Health Service, Argentina.
1972-1973 Professional Staff, Pharmaceutical Hoechst Argentina SA.


2020 Notary Public, University Blas Pascal, Argentina.
2016 Real Estate Auctioneer and Broker, University Blas Pascal, Argentina.
Attorney, University Blas Pascal, Argentina.
2008 NAATI Accreditation as Spanish --> English Professional Translator.
NAATI Accreditation as Senior Conference Interpreter.
2005 Online Postgraduate Certificate in Editing and Revising Technical Texts in English. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
2003 Proofreading. Bite size course. London, UK, 1st-2nd of July 2003.
2003 Sub-editing, Professional Training Certificate, London College of Printing, School of Printing and Publishing, Elephant and Castle, London SE1 6SB. (020) 7514 6700, 30th-31st of July 2003. http://www.lcp.linst.ac.uk/
2001 Certificate. Consortium for Training Translation Teachers. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. Research paper: Do interpreters also translate? http://isg.urv.es/cttt/cttt/topics.html
2000 UK Institute of Linguists, Pass in English>Spanish Semi-specialised Translation Exams: Technology and Science, 2000.
2000 Diploma: Interpretation for Professionals. University of California, USA.
1971 Veterinary Surgeon. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
------ Qualified Primary School Teacher, Argentina.


Native Languages: English & Spanish.


4th Interpret America Summit, Reston, VA, USA, June 14-15, 2013.
APCI International Conference: The Challenges to Professional Translation and Interpreting in the Justice Sector, 4-6 April 2013, London, UK.
VII Scientific and Professional Symposium of TREMÉDICA, 15th-16th Oct 2010, Argentina.

Localization Latin America -17-20 November, 2008, Abasto Plaza Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Translation & Interpreting Day, 35th International Systemic Functional Congress, ISFC35, Macquarie University, 23rd of July 2008, Sydney, Australia.
5th Language and Technology Conference, IMTT, 18th-20th of Aug. 2007, Córdoba, Arg.
Translating and the Computer 28, ASLIB, 16th-17th of Nov. 2006, London, UK.
6th Portsmouth University Translation Conference, 11th of November 2006, UK.
The ATA 46th Annual Conference, 6th-9th of Nov. 2005, Seattle, Washington, USA.
4th Translation & Interpretation Conference, 13th-15th of Aug. 2005, Córdoba, Arg.


Member of
AIIC Interpreter
Accredited Senior Conference Interpreter.

As a Freelance English<>Spanish Conference Interpreter
Recent International Assignments

Meeting on Sustainable Development in Cardiff, Wales, UK, 22nd-25th of March 2004.
Meeting on the Sinking of the Prestige, Subsequent Environmental Damage, London, UK, 2004.
European Steel Industry Meeting, Leamington Spa, UK, 2004.
BBC. Several assignments related to the City and State Masses held in Madrid for Victims of the Terrorist Attack at Atocha on 11th of March 2004. White City, BBC, London, UK, 2004.
Meeting of European Breast Cancer Support Group, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25th-26th of September 2003.
Hearing in Maritime Court in Chancery Lane, London, UK, 23rd-24th of September 2003.
Purple Surgical. Seminar for European Representatives and Surgical Instrument Salesmen, Chelsea Football Club, London, UK, 16th-18th of September 2003.
Iberdrola. Seminar on Renewable Energy and Speech made by the Spanish Secretary of State Mr. José Folgado, Secretariat of Energy, Industrial Development and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, London, UK, 11th of July 2003.
Mexican Mission of the Police of the State of Mexico. Meetings with Scotland Yard and London Metropolitan Police, London, UK, 2002.
Meeting of Directors of State Broadcasting Organizations of Countries of the European Union, organized by the BBC in Edinburgh, UK, 5th-6th of September 2002.

As a Freelance English<>Spanish Conference Interpreter
Recent International Assignments

2006 Sixth International Conference on New or Restored Democracies, 29th-31st of October and 1st of November 2006, in Doha, Qatar (http://www.icnrd6.com/all.pdf).

As a Freelance English<>Spanish Conference Interpreter
Recent International Assignments

Coordinator of the Interpreting Team and Remote Interpreter at the 44th Argentine Congress of Animal Production, Argentina, 17th 18th and 19th November 2021.
Remote Interpreter at International Events during 2020 and 2021.
Remote Interpreter at the Fabry Connections Meeting held in London, UK, on 25th and 26th October 2019.
Coordinator of the Interpreting Team at the 13th International Animal Reproduction Symposium held by IRAC, Córdoba, Argentina, 28th, 29th and 30th August 2019.
Interpreter at the 65th Regular Session of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, CICAD/OAS, Buenos Aires, 8-10 May 2019.
Coordinator of Interpreting Team at the International Congress of the Argentine Society of Embryo Technologies, Buenos Aires, 28-31 May, 2014.
Coordinator of Interpreting Team at the 10th International Seminar on Poultry Science, Buenos Aires, 13-14 May 2014.
Interpreter at the 20th Annual Congress of the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology, Buenos Aires, 23-25 April 2014.
Coordinator of the Interpreting Team at the 10th International Animal Reproduction Seminar held by IRAC, Córdoba, Argentina, 4th, 5th and 6th July 2013.
Coordinator of the Interpreting Team at AMEVEA, 10th International Poultry Seminar, Colón, Entre Ríos, Argentina, 14th-15th and 16th may 2013.
Coordinator of Interpreting Team at the 7th TRT Rice Americas Conference, 23-25 April 2013, Corrientes, Argentina.
Coordinator of Interpreting Team at the 1st International Congress of the Argentine Association of Embryo Technology, 11 and 12 April 2013, Corrientes, Argentina.
Coordinator of Spanish and Portuguese Interpreting Teams, Novartis, Protocol QVA149A2331, Investigator Meeting, 28-29 November 2012, Santiago, Chile.
Interpreter at the 83rd Argentine Surgery Congress, 5-8 November, Buenos Aires.
Interpreter at the III National and International Congress of Phlebology and Lymphology, 1-3 November 2012, Buenos Aires.
Interpreter at the XVIII International Plastic Surgery Symposium, 26- 27 October 2012, Buenos Aires.
Interpreter at Pascal, UCB BIOSCIENCES GmbH, RA0043 Investigator Meeting, Coordinator of English-Spanish team, 12-13 October 2012, Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel, Argentina.
Interpreter at Argentine Radiology Congress, CAR 2012, 6-8 September 2012, Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel.
Interpreter at the 4th Congress of Animal Reproduction, 23-25 August 2012, Asunción, Paraguay.
Coordinator of Interpreting Team. Principal Investigator’s Meeting, Bristol-Myers, Squibb, IDEate, 14th July 2012, Buenos Aires.
Interpreter at the Seminar on Dairy Cattle Nutrition, Biotay, 27th June 2012, Pilar, Province of Buenos Aires.
Coordinator of the Interpreting Team at the International Seminar on “Innovation for Family Farming and Food Security”, 21st and 22nd May 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Interpreter at the meeting on Diabetes “Mealtime Summit”, 20th May, 2012, Buenos Aires.
Interpreter at Merial Poultry Meeting, Open Door, 6th September 2011.
Interpreter at the Seminar on Higher Education, Viedma, Argentina, 11-12 May 2011.
Interpreter at the 19th Argentine Congress of Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery, Hotel Intercontinental, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 13-16 October, 2010.
3rd National Congress of Bovine Reproduction. Asunción, Paraguay. September 30th- October 2nd, 2010.
IETS & SBTE 2010 Annual Conference. Córdoba, Argentina. January 9-12, 2010.
CONFINTEA VI: Sixth International Conference on Adult Education. Belém, Brazil. UNESCO, hosted by the Government of Brazilin Belém. 4th-9thDecember 2009.
OIE International Conference on Animal Identification and Traceability, "From the farm to the fork". Buenos Aires, Argentina. March 23-25 2009.
Vital Voices of America, Hilton Hotel. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 5th-8th October 2008.
XIII World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders. Hotel Hilton, Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 24 - 27, 2008.
29 World Congress of Internal Medicine. Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina. September16-20 2008.
AMEVEA, 8th International Poultry Seminar. Colón, Entre Ríos, Argentina. 10th-12th September, 2008.
PFIZER, Clinical Trials Investigator Meeting. Hotel Grand Mercure, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 30th May 2008.
16th World Congress of Cardiology. Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 18th-21st of May 2008.
AMGEN, Oncology, Clinical Trials Investigator Meeting. Hilton Hotel, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 14th and 15th of July 2007.
II CIAD: The 2nd Conference of Intellectuals from Africa and the Diaspora. San Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. 12th-14th of July 2006. Organized by the Brazilian Government, in close co-operation with the African Union, the purpose of CIAD II was to build on the achievements of the 1st conference of Intellectuals from Africa and the Diaspora
(CIAD I), held in Dakar, Senegal. 6th-9th of October 2004. The conference, under the theme "The Diaspora and African Renaissance", was officially opened by the President of the Republic of Brazil. Some African, Caribbean and South American Heads of State and Government were also there.
IV World Congress on Traumatic Stress: "Trauma and Community: Global Perspectives and Responses". Buenos Aires, Argentina. 21st-24th of June 2006.
1st International Forum on the Social Sciences – Policy Nexus. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Convened by UNESCO, jointly with the Governments of Argentina and Uruguay. 20th-24th of February 2006.
IV Summit of the Americas: "Creating Jobs to Fight Poverty and Strengthen Democratic Governance". Mar del Plata, Argentina. 4th-5th of November 2005.
2005 World Conference of the World Tourism Organization: “Tourism Satellite Account (TSA): Understanding Tourism and Designing Strategies”. Iguazú, Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. 3rd-6th of October 2005. Hosted by the Governments of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, it was attended by delegates from 80 countries.


4th Interpret America Summit, Reston, VA, USA, June 14-15, 2013.
APCI International Conference: The Challenges to Professional Translation and Interpreting in the Justice Sector, 4-6 April 2013, London, UK.
2006 Translating and the Computer 28 Conference, ASLIB, Kensington, London, UK, 16th-17th of November 2006.
2006 The Sixth University of Portsmouth Translation Conference, Portsmouth, UK. Saturday, 11th of November 2006.
TransPerfect Linguist Certification: translation of English into Spanish in the following fields of Life Sciences: Patient Brochure, Health Insurance Forms and Public Health Information.
Attended the ATA 46th Annual Conference, 6th-9th of November 2005, Seattle, Washington, USA.
2005 Online Postgraduate Certificate in Editing and Revising Technical Texts in English. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
2003 Bite size courses in summer 2003: proofreading, cv writing, role playing, web-page design, digital photography, London, UK
2003 Professional Training Certificate in Sub-editing. London College of Printing & Distributive Trades, School of Printing and Publishing, Elephant and Castle, London SE1 6SB. (020) 7514 6700, 30th-31st of July 2003.
2002 Workshop on Scenario Planning. Speakers: Peter Dick, Clare Harris, Mike Purvis & Ben Bolland. Organized by ‘The Operational Research Society’ and hosted by Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, 5th of December 2002.
http://www.orsoc.org.uk/ & www.shu.ac.uk
2002 The Second University of Portsmouth Translation Conference, Portsmouth, UK. Saturday, 16th November 2002.
2002 Successfully completed the Consortium for the Training of Translation Teachers ‘Certificate in the Training of Translators’, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
Research paper: Do interpreters also translate? http://isg.urv.es/cttt/cttt/topics.html
2002 Institute of Linguists, Translating and Interpreting Fair, University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, London, UK, 28th of September 2002.
2001 Attended the ‘Training Seminar for Teachers of Translation’ at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
2000 Attended and successfully completed the International Professional Program ‘Interpretation for Professionals’, University of California, USA.
2000 UK Institute of Linguists, Pass in English>Spanish Semi-specialised Translation Exams: Technology and Science.
1999 Distance learning in preparation for the Institute of Linguists' Diploma in Translation with Susanne James Associates.


Law Student, Blas Pascal University.
2007 Attended the 5th Language and Technology Conference, IMTT, 18th-20th of August, Córdoba.
2007 Attended the workshop held by Fiona Agnew: Nature versus Nurture, the fundamentals of a professional translation project manager. For Freelance Translators, Project Managers and Translation Companies, 18th of August, Córdoba.
2005 Attended the 4th Translation & Interpretation Conference, 13th-15th August 2005, Córdoba.
2005 Attended the ‘IX Jornadas Nacionales sobre Normativa del Idioma Español “El español para el mundo”’, organizad by ‘Fundación Litterae’, 4th-6th of August 2005, Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires.
2000 Attended and was a speaker at a Translation Workshop, ATIBA, La Plata.
1999 Attended the “II Feria del Traductor: la Traducción e Interpretación como Vehículo de Comunicación”, Asociación de Traductores Públicos e Intérpretes de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Vicente López.
1999 Attended and was a speaker at the “1as Jornadas de Traducción e Interpretación” in Córdoba
1999 Attended an Elocution Workshop “Jornada de Elocución y Foniatría para Intérpretes Profesionales”, ADICA, Buenos Aires.
1999 Attended a two month Elocution Workshop for Professionals.
1998 Attended the “II Congreso Latinoamericano de Traducción e Interpretación”, CTPCBA, Buenos Aires.
1997 Attended the Course “Normativa del Español y Corrección de Errores”, Prof. Alicia Zorrilla, CTPCBA, Buenos Aires.
1996 Attended an Interpretation Workshop at the ‘Estudio Lucille Barnes’, Buenos Aires.
1994 Attended a Translation and Interpretation Course at ‘The Language Lab’, J.C. Lloyd-Walsh, Buenos Aires.


2008 Guest Lecturer at the Department of Translation and Interpreting, Petersham College, Sydney Institute of Training and Further Education (TAFE), ‘Experiences as an interpreter or always expect the unexpected’, 28th of August 2008.
2002-2003 Visiting Lecturer in Interpreting, University of Westminster, UK
2000 Seminar on Farming in Argentina, Texas A&M, Texas, USA.
2000 Attended and was a speaker on ‘Technical and Scientific Translation’ at a Translation Workshop organized by ATIBA, La Plata.
1999 Lecturer in Intepreting, IMTT, Córdoba, Argentina.
1999 Attended and was a speaker at the 1st Translation & Interpretation Conference, Córdoba, Argentina.
1999 Lecturer in Medical Interpreting, Estudio Lucille Barnes.
1979–1991 Secondary School Teacher (maths, physics, chemistry, biology) and English Teacher, Argentina.
1979-1991 University entrance coaching in maths, physics, chemistry and biology.


Voice quality audition at Transware plc, Ireland. Audio-Coordinator: Carine Julienne, Tel: +353 1 2187714, Fax: +353 1 2601947, Email: carine.julienne@transwareplc.com, http://www.transwareplc.com/, 26th of May 2004. Voice considered pleasant and of excellent quality.

SARA BROWN Translator & Interpreter
Cel: 011 1559567984 - Mobile from abroad: 54 911 59567986
Skype: sara_a_brown